Monday, January 24, 2011

A Break in the Weather

There’s been a little bit of a gap in transmission here for several reasons:

1. Real world pressures getting more real.
2. The sudden death of my laptop its hard drive.
3. The holiday season
4. Kapcon prep

Needless to say, among the things I lost on my laptop was a post which talked more thoroughly about my gaming in 2010. Rather than try and recreate it, I’ll simply touch on the key conclusion. 2010 was a year where I met and gamed with lots of folks I had never met before, and I learned a lot, and found it a hugely rich and rewarding time. Not every game I played or ran fired perfectly, but overall there were a huge number of great games that I participated in during the year, and some new friendships made that serve to remind me of the great benefits of this hobby – bringing folks together for a creative enterprise.

Stay tuned for my Kapcon 20 report...

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